A team

A TOP® team

« Knowledge is acquired through experience, everything else is just information »
A. Einstein



Founder of TOP Consulting, First TOP® Expert for the French Air Force


Fighter Pilot, TOP® Expert
A fighter pilot since 2001, Marion has flown on Mirage F1, Alphajet and Mirage 2000 jets. Expert TOP, she also gives corporate lectures on the cognitive and affective determinants of performance and shares the values of TOP consulting. She intervenes during trainings.
Sébastien DUPONT

Sébastien DUPONT

Educational manager in the French Army - TOP® Expert
Responsible for Pedagogy and quality in teaching in the Air Force.
TOP® Expert.
Master Practitioner in Erickosnian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP / NLP).
Trainer for practitioners.
Speaker at the ESHE School (Higher School of Ericksonian Hypnosis).
Laurent VINÉ

Laurent VINÉ

Performance specialist - TOP® Expert
After 20 years of experience in military physical and sport training, Laurent VINE becomes Expert TOP. Trainer of practitioners, he is a specialist in performance. He also is a Sophrologist, a NLP practitioner and Master Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis. He is now developing all of his skills in office for the benefit of TOP Consulting.


Pedagogical manager in the French National Gendarmerie, and TOP® Instructor
Head of a high mountain squad, Luc was trained at the EMHM (Ecole militaire de haute montagne) and at the Chamonix CNISAG (Centre national d'instruction de ski et d'alpinisme de la gendarmerie).

After 20 years of experience in training, coaching and managing rescue in high mountain settings, Luc now becomes a TOP instructor.
Trainer of trainers, in charge of the TOP cell of the Dijon Gendarmerie school, he is in charge of the follow-up of the teaching of the TOP during the training of the gendarmes .
Sharing the human and educational values of TOP Consulting, Luc intervenes during the training sessions.